Art.1 Name of the Society

The society will be called “ROMANIAN SOCIETY OF HAND SURGERY”, revealing the concerns and orientation of all members of the society towards issues related to the pathology of the hand. The hand is an organ of utmost importance for the human species, opening surgical reconstructive potentiality for all Romanian surgeons trained in any forms of basic surgical training provided and agreed by the Ministry of Health.

Art.2 Legal Form of the Society

The society is legally constituted, under the provisions of art.34 of Law no.21/1924 as a non-profit, non-political organization, developing activities in conformity with the Romanian laws and the present statutory provisions.

Art.3 Registered Office

The registered office of the Society is in Brasov, Romania, at the following address: Sectia de Chirurgie Plastica, Spitalul Judetean Brasov, Calea Bucuresti nr.25-27. The General Assembly of the society may decide upon the change of the above address. The society may also establish subsidiaries in other towns of Romania.

Art.4 Duration of the Society

The duration of the society is unlimited, starting with the date of legal registration.


Art.5 General Provisions

The society is constituted by the founding members, permanent members and honorary members. All members take active part in the life of the society, and are supposed to bring their own professional and scientific contribution to the achievement of the society aims, as stated in Chapter III.

Art.6 Founding Members

The founding members are participants to the meeting of the Management Board of the Romanian Society of Plastic Surgery and Burns, who have decided to set up the Romanian Society of Hand Surgery (RAHS). The founding members are permanent members of the society.

Art.7 Permanent Members

Permanent members are participants to the FIRST NATIONAL CONGRESS Y OF HAND SURGERY – BRASOV, September 1995, who have considered the necessity to establish the RAHS, and have therefore agreed upon and endorsed the present S or specializing doctors from surgical or other medical fields, who show interest in hand surgery I agree to comply to the present statute, and request the right to membership, may be granted this right. New membership is granted by the General Assembly, in the presence of at least half plus one of the total numbers of members.

Art.8 Honorary Members

Honorary members are recommended by the Scientific Committee of the RAHS from among Romanian or foreign specialists with remarkable achievements in this particular field and special contributions to the development of the RAHS. The Scientific Committee may also recommend as honorary members any persons showing particular interest and support towards the development of the society. Honorary membership is granted by the General Assembly, in the presence of at least half plus one of the total numbers of members.

Art.9 Termination of Membership

Termination of membership is decided by the General Assembly by the decision of at least half plus one of the total numbers of the present members, as result of unacceptable behavior from the medical ethics viewpoint, or at request.


Art.10 Aims of the Society

The Society establishes the following aims:

  • to bring together doctors with particular interests in the hand surgery, as well as j other specialists with similar interests (family doctors, general or orthopedic surgeons, neurologists,
  • to support and spread throughout Romania a correct mentality regarding possibilities of hand recovery, by attracting different specialists in the recovery process (kinetho-therapists, physiotherapists).
  • to introduce the study of hand surgery as a distinct subject in the curriculum of ; medical faculties throughout Romania, and therefore have the subject agreed as an independent specialty.
  • to establish links with other national societies of hand surgery enabling scientific and professional contacts and the spread of Romanian achievements in the field of hand surgery.
  • to support the improvement of professional and scientific standard of all members, towards the European recognition of the RAHS and its affiliation to the International Federation of Hand Surgery Societies.

Art.11 Actions and Activities

In order to reach its aim, the society intends to perform the following actions and activities:

  • to organize scientific events on issues of hand surgery every second year, in the form of Conferences.
  • to cooperate with other scientific societies, by presenting specific topics on hand surgery, on the occasion of other scientific events organized by these societies 10.
  • to cooperate with other scientific societies in Romania or abroad, by stimulating members of the RAHS to present original scientific papers to events organized by these organizations.
  • to publish works and studies on issues of hand surgery, and to bring contributions to journals published by other societies, as part of the above mentioned cooperation.
  • to promote the RAHS in meetings of the International Federation of Hand Surgery Societies, by presenting original works with the previous consent of the Scientific Committee of the Society; the society will provide material support for the main author of the selected work.
  • to grant scientific scholarships or other incentives for special professional and scientific achievements, within the limits of the resources available.
  • to provide specialized medical consultancy.
  • to support publicity campaigns and public awareness events throughout mass- media, on the scientific activity of the society.
  • to establish links with and support persons or organizations in Romania and abroad, who could contribute to the fulfillment of the aims and objectives of the society.
  • to establish links with other medical societies in the country or abroad by constituting a federation or confederation, if this is for the interest of the society. The decision is made by the Genera Assembly at the proposal of the Management Board.


Art.12 Financial Resources

The financial means of the RAHS are:

  • annual contributions due by regular members of the society participation fees to scientific events organized by the society, donations from persons or businesses, internal or international sponsorships, other sources consisting of money or goods, complying with the legal requirements.

The amount and frequency of dues is established by the General Assembly, with a 2/3 majority.

Art.13 Bank Account of the Society

The funds of the society will be deposited in a bank account. The funds will be used for the following purposes:

  • to promote the RAHS nationally and internationally.
  • to procure informative materials.
  • to support scientific events organized by the RAHS.
  • for administrative and protocol purposes.

Art.14 Financial Control of the Society

The control of the financial administration of resources is performed by the General Assembly of the members, according to the financial report presented by the treasurer. This must be approves by a majority of at least 2/3 or the total number of members.


Art.15 Management of the Society

The Society is managed by the General Assembly of all members. The Management Board is made up of a President, two vice-presidents, a secretary, a treasurer and a censor committee (formed of 3-5 members), all elected for a period of four years. The interim management is elected on the occasion of the first General Assembly.

The members’ assembly meets on the occasion of Conferences or whenever needed, upon the summon of the Management Board or of the President. The date, place and agenda are made known at least 30 days before the due date of meeting.

The General Assembly is statutory in the presence of at least half plus one of the total number of members. Valid decisions are made in the presence of a relative majority.

The scientific management is provided by the Scientific Committee under the leadership of the President and formed of members appointed by the General Assembly in each regional subsidiary. The Scientific Committee is formed of 11 members who meet either on the occasion of the Conference or at the request of the President whenever necessary.

Art.16 Scientific Events

The Conference, as particular event organized by the society, meets every second year, in different cities that show willingness to offer support in organizing the event.

The subsidiary in the organizing city will appoint a local Chairperson and a local organizing committee.

On the occasion of each scientific event, the organizing city, chairperson and committee of the next event is agreed and officially acknowledged. The chairperson and committee are responsible for the proper organizing of the particular event agreed.

Art.17 Functional Departments

In order to achieve its aims and objectives, the society agrees upon the following functional departments under the control and coordination of the President:

  • Studies, programs and documentation department, coordinated by one vice- president.
  • Secretarial, administrative and financial department, coordinated by one vice- president.
  • The scientific committee will present on the occasion of each scientific meeting and activity report between two meetings; on the same occasion the treasurer will present the financial report.

Art.18 Representation of the Society

The society will be represented by its President, and – in his/her absence by one of the two vice-presidents.



In the case of dissolution, the General Assembly will decide upon the destination of the assets and patrimony, in accordance with the legal provisions.

The present Statute can be completed and/or modified by the decision of the General Assembly.